CropVoice™ “listens” to plants engineered to signal stress so fungal disease is stopped early.

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CropVoice™ “listens” to plants engineered to signal stress so fungal disease is stopped early.

Learn if CropVoice is available in your area by emailing us

CropVoice™ is InnerPlant’s groundbreaking insights platform that combines data from a network of sentinel plots featuring InnerSoy™ – a first-of-its-kind soybean engineered to signal when it’s stressed. Data is analyzed using advanced predictive models to provide the earliest, most definitive detection of fungal infection and deliver the highest ROI crop protection strategies.

Environmental and pathogenic data are important detection signals but fail to provide proof that plants are actually infected. With millions of sensors deployed, InnerPlant is the ONLY company that completes the “disease triangle” by using the earliest physiological responses directly from plants to confirm infection – as it’s happening.

CropVoice™ Benefits

  • Early Detection with Live Plant: Leverage natural signals directly from plant physiology unavailable to synthetic sensors for the earliest warnings of fungal infection
  • Maximum Sensors at the Lowest Cost: Plants as sensors give millions of data points without heavy hardware costs.
  • Clear Guidance for Confident Application: Receive straightforward recommendations that enable farmers to apply treatments with assurance, safeguarding their yields.

Data from the InnerSoy™ sensors is combined with additional data sources to improve scouting efforts so agronomists can make spray recommendations to growers with confidence and ultimately enhance crop yields and protection strategies.

InnerPlant is a seed technology company that enables the earliest detection of pathogens and other stresses in key crops to make farming universally more efficient and sustainable. We create plants that emit light – detectable as far away as space – when they’re under attack by pests or short of water or nutrients.

InnerPlant unlocks data directly from plant physiology so farmers will finally get information in time to act and save their crops and soil.

Studies show that farmers lose as much as 40% of yields or $220B worldwide due to pathogens despite overapplication that sees as much as 30% or $250B of pesticides wasted – negatively impacting our air, water, and soil.

InnerPlant’s technology will help solve these problems by giving farmers the data they need to spray only where and when specific plants need help.

Plants, like humans, have immune systems and stress responses that activate specific genes within hours in response to specific stresses. We find the genes that are activated for a particular stress and insert another piece of DNA that instructs the plant to produce a fluorescent protein when it activates its natural stress response genes.

The fluorescent protein that’s activated by a plant’s physiological response to stress isn’t visible to the human eye but it is detectable by satellite, drone, and tractor. And because it’s tied directly to the plant’s physiological response, that signal is the earliest warning of stress, which translates into as much as four weeks of warning before symptoms of stress are visible to other scouting methods.

Our plants are genetically engineered or transgenic, which are more technically accurate terms.

We chose to start with a fungal sensor based on feedback from farmers in our InnerCircle farmer community who identified it as a way to solve the valuable problem of treating infections that aren’t detectable early enough to take action using current methods. Additional stresses and additional crops will follow soon.

InnerPlant’s investors include iconic agricultural companies including John Deere, and an alliance of large farmers led by Coutts Agro, alongside venture capital firms like MS&AD Ventures, UpWest Labs, and Bee Partners.

CropVoice is the product we’re offering to retailers and farmers starting in 2025 that’s powered by our InnerSoy fungal sensor. Subscribers will receive spray recommendations in response to fungal pressure in a particular coverage area based on signals from our InnerSoy plant together with other data points such as temperature and relative humidity.

Yes, our soy fungal sensor is USDA-approved and we’re currently working toward voluntary FDA approval.

Are there special practices required to care for these plants?
No, these plants are cultivated in the same way farmers currently cultivate soybeans. We prioritize maintaining the plant’s normal functions while adding the fluorescence capability, and seamlessly integrating into farmer’s workflows.

InnerSoy is currently available exclusively through our sentinels program. Farmers will have the option of purchasing InnerSoy seeds as part of an identity-preserved system in 2027 with broad availability of the InnerPlant trait expected in 2030 after the global approval process is completed.

For general inquiries, you can reach a representative via email at or call us at (877) 418-2062.