Welcome to the CropVoice Field Scouting Report page where you’ll find the latest observations by InnerPlant’s field agronomists led by Dr. Robert Starke. Reports below are organized by region where a CropVoice Fungal Detection Network is currently in place. Past reports are also available with links to the CropVoice FAQ and a refresher video about how CropVoice works farther down the page. Those with questions or who need additional support can contact the CropVoice support team via email at support@innerplant.com or by phone at (877) 418-2062.

Field Scouting Report for XX/XX/XXX

Central Illinois

This is where Bob will write really valuable insights gathered from fields in Central Illinois. Maybe a pic or two, as well.

North-East Nebraska

Here Bob – or one of his minions – will write really valuable insights gathered from fields in NE Nebraska – hopefully with a pic or two.

Past Reports


Click here to learn more about CropVoice including FAQs.

How CropVoice works: