Brand Message

InnerPlant is an an early-stage farm-centric data driven company transforming fields into living sensors. Plants communicate signals of stress in their environment and listening to those signals help growers cut agrochemical usage, improve field health, and increase productivity.

InnerPlant makes living sensors that detect disease within hours, empowering farmers to quickly take corrective actions to protect crops.

Brand Position

InnerPlant is seeding the future of agriculture by transforming fields into living sensors that detect stress at an individual plant-by-plant care basis with early detection. We empower farmers, with vital crop data, feed the world sustainably, and preserve life-giving soil. We are the future of farming.

Brand Mission

Plants communicate. We give them a voice. With InnerPlant they can tell us what they need and when, providing farmers timely, actionable data, increasing crop yields, reducing chemical use, and planting healthier futures.

Brand Vision

Plants will be the guiding light to resilient farming. At InnerPlant we develop technology platforms that will contribute to healthier soil, sustainably feed the world, and ease global food chain supply challenges.

Brand Values

We value the critical role farmers play in society. However, the challenges they face in managing crop stress require them to apply chemicals in advance everywhere because they’re unable to identify problems early enough to take action. We believe crop health must be solved on a plant-by-plant basis. By digitizing a plant’s stress with our living sensors, we can spotlight areas of concern, allowing farmers to pick the right treatment at the right place and at the right time to protect crops and increase yields.  Data-driven farming at the plant level will allow profitability and sustainability to finally coexist.

Identified Brand Attributes


  • Brave
  • Vital
  • Driven
  • Genuine
  • Bold
  • Honest
  • Inclusive
  • Collaborative
  • Innovative
  • Pivotal
  • Emergent
  • Resilient


  • Defiant
  • Courageous
  • Communicative
  • Truthful /Truth Driven
  • Timely/Urgency
  • Respectful
  • Adaptive
  • Data Driven
  • Mission Driven
  • Customer Driven/Farmer First
  • Empathetic
  • Relevant
  • Strategic
  • Futuristic


We are fearless about transforming the state of farming

We believe it is our responsibility and we are committed to sharing our innovations and expertise boldly. To help transform the way industries farm. We collaborate and work with like-minded partners across the entire supply chain. We believe this starts with what we put into the ground, from Smart Seeds to regenerative practices, ensuring our planet can thrive and support us for generations. We have to be brave, or we have to be blind to extinction. We choose brave.


We are a vital necessity change agent for "personalized" intuitive farming methods during these critical times.

We are a critical cornerstone and a vital player in this pivotal moment of transformation to plant-by-plant agriculture. We are opening the door to early detection intuitive farming. Our technology is transformative in helping farmers, and conscientious partners move away from destructive legacy farming practices eroding our soils and food supply to the new generation of intuitive farming practices.


We are science-driven, data-driven, mission-driven, and customer-driven.

We believe farmers are limited by legacy practices, incumbent inefficient methods, and lack of good data. Practices that have gone on too long and led to the degeneration of food producing soil. We believe farmers can do boundless more with the early stress plant detection we can offer them. We are driven to unlock new potential for farmers to improve harvest outcome in the safest ways. And we will not stop. We are driven to give plants a voice and farmers a choice.


We have genuine empathy for the farmers, we care about the rejuvenation of soil, and we understand the plight.

We have genuine empathy for farmers. It is unacceptable that they are stuck in the current system of agriculture. Out of honest conversations, conviction, and understanding, we work with farmers and partners to develop the traits within the seeds allowing them to communicate with plants directly, ultimately producing a better harvest and nutrient-rich soil.

Tone of Voice

InnerPlant communicates with a grounded, farmer-first voice—real, relatable, and rooted in truth. With a no-nonsense tone, it tackles urgent agricultural challenges head-on. Honest and direct, it prioritizes action over politeness, focusing on solving real-world problems and advancing the future of farming.

Tone of Voice: Do’s and Don’t


Be customer obsessed partner driven. i.e. We feel your pain and we do this for you.  We write in the second person “you” (evolved) and maintain a conversational tone.

Be straight forward and relatable with your tone of voice. Speak in a real-world voice that carries the hard, honest, truth. It doesn’t have the time to be unnecessarily overly polite, its job is to wake people up and communicate at their level.

Keep sentence structure clear, clean, and concise. Less is more.

Orient messages around actions and use lots of verbs. We lean toward short, punchy verbs like express, relate, live, and connect.

Use short sentence format, like a brief conversation.  When deciding between using a “.” or a “,” – choose the period.  Staccato sentences are okay.


Overpromise with hyperbolic language. While we want to emphasize our strengths, we never call ourselves “the best” and stop short of outright bragging.

Be degrading – to self, competition, or non-users. Phrases that emphasize that a user’s current network technology is inferior to, and that InnerPlant can “do it better” only jockeys us as “holier than.” We don’t need to say that; we let our product and solutions speak for itself.

Try too hard. We want the overall message to sound effortless, not belabored.

Force humor. A humorous tone (when desired) can be achieved without a joke. When in doubt, just play it straight, clean, and clear.

Speak in technical or corporate jargon. Though our audience is farm & tech and soil savvy, we want to keep terms as simple as possible to avoid sounding stiff or cold. Everything is said as if to a peer.

Use folksy colloquialisms or exclamation points. We’re going for relatable, simple and plain speak, not cloying or excessively cheerful.

Design Guidelines

InnerPlant Standard IDs

InnerPlant ID ~ Proper Usage

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InnerPlant ID ~ Clear Space

Blue indicates Clear Space. The blue area must be kept free of other elements.

Grey padding indicates Safe Zone

Magenta indicates type and element alignment and boundaries.

InnerPlant Minified Icon

Minified Icon ~ Proper Usage

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The InnerPlant Minified Icon is designed for use in situations where the standard icon’s details would be difficult to see, such as:

  • Extremely small applications
    (e.g., a corner graphic in a presentation)
  • Subtle branding on small promotional items or swag.
  • Within the CropVoice ID